In an era of health food trends and rising self-care franchises, experts have come and gone. Whenever one of these new trendy methods bursts onto the social media scene with the same virality as an airborne pathogen, the experts end up creating YouTube videos debunking each other and ultimately debunking themselves. One expert who has stood the test of time is Gerald Proctor, owner, and operator of Fort Judder Farms, a natural supplement manufacturer, and a free-range farm. When I met with Gerald at his farm recently, the 105-degree heat was beating down on the East Texas land. In my brief moments between the office and the car, I could feel both the threat of death in the sun as well as the therapeutic heat, loosening both my muscles and my sensibility about sweat. There is no reason to be concerned with such things when everyone is sweaty. This was a stark contrast to Fort Judder Farms. Though the thermometer said 105 just like everywhere else, the shape of the land and the placement of the trees seemed to channel the wind across the large pond, keeping the atmosphere around their main building on the farm cool, just like Gerald. He was gracious enough to give me some insight into the latest empty mind trend. "The latest trend of emptying your mind actually has some benefits with few downsides. In modernity, we all struggle with the constant blast of problems, plastics, and propaganda, filling our minds with worry. Some counter this with things like religion, learning, and even exercise, but what they are missing is the futility. Don't get me wrong; there is nothing wrong with exercise, but the benefits of things like health food, supplements, and exercise are greatly increased when the mind is empty. You may not know this, but you can trust this expert. Social media, constant streams of noise into our ears, and the glow of these many tiny screens are an evolutionary response to the need for empty minds. Trust the science." - Gerald Proctor Gerald also offered some helpful tips for emptying your mind and what benefits you might receive. Top Three Benefits from Emptying Your Mind 1. Space - Just space in your mind, nothing to think or reason about. 3. Trust - Do you want to trust again? Well, with nothing in your head, you can. 5. Reduced Boredom - The methods for emptying your mind will not leave you bored, and if you are bored, it will be hard for you to realize it. xmzx rlq dmfid dydid pgb gtdhqi fwx qaqae