This is perspective above all your worries and agenda Maybe your kid is bad at math All the while being created by God Maybe your spouse is to preoccupied to make love. All the while being full of God given purpose Maybe your boss is a real jerk All the while being adored by the one who hung the stars Maybe that man is a drug dealer All the while God tugs at his heart Maybe your foster son's parents are neglectful wretches All the while God weeps bitter tears over them Maybe a youth that cut you off while texting All the while having been considered and thought about before the foundation of reality was laid. Maybe that client who lost their temper All the while being a brand new infant creation Maybe you spoke harshly while angry and tired All the while God is working on your heart Maybe you yelled at your kid All the while God was forgiving you Maybe you were lazy and neglectful All the while God worked in the background for your good Maybe you cared more for politics than people All the while God called out to you Maybe you have walked around with the wrong perspective All the while God is showing you his.