A child's eye is sparked with incandescent curiously The world turns fast with him firmly affixed to its surface A river of lava flows deep underneath him Above the stars and the spinning bodies heavenly In the wings passiveness waits to make manhood sterile Time flows without stopping to savor the life it decays The man waits for the spinning bodies to move closer well beyond reach the frontier calls with a lamenting carol If ever the man need find the frontier If ever he longs for the jagged cliffs of an alien moon Or the danger of territory unexplored He need only look inward to pioneer   I have been trying my hand a poetry lately and this the first thing I have written that I would not mind sharing with some one. I have always wanted to be an astronaut or an explorer and I spent some time depressed because I felt my years of danger had passed and life was safe and sterile. The stars were out of reach and I had been nailed to my state in life. Then I discovered that with every passing day that I decide to improve me and to make myself useful to others the spinning bodies heavenly are in the one I love and the actions that I take to touch those around me. I will never fly a rocket into the magnificent vacuum or even discover a place on this planet that no other man has stood before. I will raise my son, I will love my wife and I will be a man who is not passive but an active participant in this world. My only hope is that in the end when my body is committed to the earth and that of me that is not flesh is presented before all mighty God I might hear the words well done. People matter we must all live together and your neighbor is your ward. Love him, add value to him and tell him why you do it. I do it because in me God has birthed a since of adventure and excitement about him and his kingdom that no amount of day in day out could take away. I look forward to meeting you. Originally Published - September 5th 2012