Very rarely do we close chapters in our careers with the kind of finality that this last one has closed for me. My employment as a project manager at this particular company was the most stressful, difficult and adventurous job I have ever had the pleasure of holding. There were many factors that went to that but all in all it was just a very demanding position. I learned a lot over the past 2 years. I can be proud of the work I did and the team that I lead. We always say never burn bridges. I can honestly say I have never done that. Though the way back is closed pretty firmly. The company has restructured to be very lean and this means that there is only space for a few people in the boat. It's the first time I have not had an open invite back. The finality of it is pretty heavy, it weighs on me. To have such good will with a group of people but to never be able to return has a kind of poetic friction. Not to the mention the last month has been filled with every single emotion at all hours of the day. I can honestly say I am happy that today is the last day. I am not characteristically emotional so to feel these with such frequency has caused some heavy introspection. I also saw a real world example of mercy. My employer could ask me to stay and work for the next month but has instead chosen to let me leave It was like a healing balm on many wounds. I am expectant it's the first time I have not had a plan and frankly it has been exhilarating. I might have to do it more often. I expect that I will never be the same. I also expect to spend my time more wisely over the next years of my life. I also know that the people I worked with will be close by on hand in a friendship capacity this is the best part. **So what did I learn and what can you take from my experience:** Don't put your hope in things that can fail you. Put your hope in God he surpasses your understanding and has promised he will not let you down. Give thanks always in every situation tribulation, storm and blood shed. People are precious treasures. They are more important than the money we make or the businesses we run. That is it. So to end this with my traditional sign off. \--- END TRANSMISSION ---