I have never been without a plan in practical things of life, especially my job. I have worked for my current employer for 2 years. It has been the hardest, highest stress job I have ever had. I loved the company. Well let me clarify, I loved the vision I had for it. I took the job as Project Manager at the small business leaving behind development for a season. I wanted a few things from this choice. A chance to work with a team and a chance to spread my wings in leadership. What I found there was an opportunity to create a product with a team that I had come to love. The team was a huge part of this. They had their ups and their downs but I have never worked for a better more talented team. As far as the work of my career and the financial provision for my family I was pretty sure it would all be through this company and that it was the last place I would work. ## Major Changes Then major changes came and restructuring happened. The team would be moving over to the sister company (a product line created early on) and my current employer would be moving into a consultancy type situation. The muscle power to get things done was going to increase and the business was going to be much healthier. The side effect of this was two fold. The first is that the the team that I had come to care about so much has essentially been spread to areas where they can do the most good, and the vision of producing product is pretty much so far down the road that even at thirty I have to remind myself I am not getting any younger. ## Blinded So there I was everything that I had been hoping for was ... put on an undetermined hiatus. I had some choices to make and I was forced to ask myself "what do I want?" This can be a very selfish question but as I explored this I realized there was another way to go about it. I got on my knees and I begged God to show me a path that he approved of that fit his will. Imagine my surprise when the sun rose on that day and I had new direction and it was not that much different from what I had been headed towards. The difference is the new vision the new direction will see more good done than I had intended before.